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GlobalSaké Experiences

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The GlobalSaké LocWalk™ in-person outdoor active experiences around the world are the antidote for the indoor on-screen siloed work environments. We come together across cultures, functions, and borders to cross-pollinate and collaborate, expanding our perspectives for problem solving and building long-lasting relationships. In motion, we reconnect, recharge, and re-member the power or memorable moments. We’re on a mission to keep walking together in every continent on the planet. See you on a path near you!

LocWalk History—How it all began:

Talia Zur Baruch, GlobalSaké Cofounder CEO, kickstarted the LocWalk experiences back in Feb 2022 during the depth of the global pandemic, when folks were feeling isolated and static in all-day Zoom meetings. Talia  recalls “I just needed to get out of the virtual environment and back into the real natural world, breath fresh air, move the body, and meet like-minded people in-person. I reached out to fellow Bay Area folks in Localization and invited them to join me for a barefoot beach walk in Fort Funston (a San Francisco epic trail). I brought saké + Mediterranean picnic for bait. It was exhilarating to see everyone else's thirst for that in-person reconnection in action. After that, it was clear we needed to just keep on walking together in local hubs around the globe. Talia's goal is to reach every continent on the planet by 2025. Will you help us? We're getting there with the help of our local members worldwide!"


If you'd like to lead a GlobalSaké LocWalk™ in your region, email us at

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2023 GlobalSaké LocWalks™​​​​​​

Past GlobalSaké LocWalks™ in 2023:​​

Our GlobalSaké LocWalks™ travel around the globe and are designed for industry relationship building in small, intimate groups. Space is limited, so be sure to secure your spot asap!

Enhanced LocWalks™

Our 2022 and 2023 LocWalks™ around the globe were a huge hit! In 2024, we'll have boosted LocWalk™ experiences with content (curated speakers in fireside chats) and culture (curated live international performances), in addition to the hike + picnic + sake tasting. These events will be "outdoor mini conferences"--a new way of experiencing industry content and connections.

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