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9:00-9:05 am - Welcome message


Talia Baruch, CEO and Cofounder at GlobalSaké

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John Hayato Branderhorst, COO and Cofounder at GlobalSaké

9:05-9:15 am - Interactive Warm up: Lost in Translation in your own language

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Silvia Steimle, Marketing Director at Wordbank

9:15-9:35 am - Presentation: Optimizing the Localization Processes for Museum Exhibits: Modern Workflows for Historic Preservation. "Angkor: the Lost Empire of Cambodia" is an international touring exhibition featuring 120 ancient artifacts The project scope involved not only translating tablet inscriptions and multimedia subtitles, but an in-depth review of final pieces, factoring in visual references for museum visitors. In this presentation, we discuss the team process applied to tackle the technical, cultural and aesthetical challenges in exhibit localization.

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Meredith Veto, Team Lead, Spanish-English linguist at Multilingual Connections

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9:35-9:55 am - Presentation: The Global Experience: data insights shared from the 2022 global survey research on running cross-functional international efforts. As companies look ahead to 2022 and beyond, many teams are brainstorming new ways to grow engagement amongst customers and prospects. However, as those audiences become more global, it becomes harder for companies to ensure that experiences are maintained for all. Join us as we discuss Lilt’s State of Global Experience 2022 Report that highlights the trends, best practices, and priorities of those involved in managing global experiences at enterprises worldwide.

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Drew Evans, Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Lilt

9:55-10:15 am - Presentation: From Marketing Brainstorm to Press-Worthy Report: A Pinterest Case Study. The 2022 Pinterest Predicts trend report was a huge success across international markets. Ella Petlicka, lead up the effort to launch the report so it read like native content in all markets. She will take us through that process and go into how Pinterest approaches localization, transcreation, and native content creation. We will look at direct examples and success indicators. 

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Antoine Rey, SVP of Customer Development at Argos Multilingual

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Ella Petlicka, Senior Program Manager, Website Internationalization at Pinterest

10:15-10:45 am - Fireside Chat: Globally launching w/ culturalized, original content for 6 diff. regions: An Adobe Case Study. In late 2021, Adobe launched a new unified web and mobile product called Creative Cloud Express (CCX). The offering launched with locally created content for 6 regions while also offering the product in 15 languages. Join us as we learn more about how Adobe worked with internal and external resources to create a task-based, content-first experience.

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Amanda Fetterly, Senior Experience Design Manager at Adobe

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Priscilla Knoble, Sr. Director  – International Strategy & Product Management Digital Media Business Unit, Adobe

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Gráinne Maycock, Vice President, Sales at Acolad

10:45-11:15 am - Culture: Live International Concert - Flamenco. Chapi Pineda, a Flamenco guitar maestro, toured with legendary Camaron and Paco de Lucia. His music invokes the infinite freedom within the rigid mathematical pattern structure of Flamenco melodies. In this concert we will have Chapi Pineda on the guitar and Manuel Montilla on the cajón.

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11:15-11:45 am - Connection: Breakout Rooms. Guided networking discussion digests in intimate settings.

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Carlos Hevia, Business Development Director at Multilingual Connections

Antoine Rey, SVP of Customer Development at Argos Multilingual

Ella Petlicka, Senior Program Manager, Website Internationalization at Pinterest

Morgan Raymond, Sales Manager at Lilt

Will Rowlands-Rees, Chief Product Officer of Lionbridge

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Kirill Soloviev, Co-Founder, CEO & CPO at  ContentQuo

Closing Words and Meditation Sendoff.

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