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2021 Year-In-Review Recap Videos, sharing some of the highlights at our monthly events:

In 2021, GlobalSaké created The ParlamINT, an annual program that included a total of 12 events:

  • 12 industry events (once a month) with expert panels, Flash TedTalk case-study presentations, fireside chats, Q&A, and breakout room discussion digests & networking. 

  • "Your Challenge Roundtable" event, where The ParlamINT community members can submit their company’s big global challenge and leverage applied learnings in a Solutions Discussion with the community Roundtable experts.


Over the course of 2021, we discussed the following questions:

  • How do you create the right product value fit experience for customers across the globe?

  • How do you balance a universal global-ready launch strategy vs a local geo-fit adaptation?

  • Ready to take product localization, regionalization and culturalization on a more strategic, holistic, and cross-functional level to drive meaningful growth impact in new local markets, on a global scale?

Come for the Content. Stay for the Connections. Be a member of the global Community.

International Expansion in the Fitness and Wellness Space

International Consumer Insights

Global-Ready and Geo-fit Payments

Multilingual content strategy

Multilingual AI, NLP, and Applied ML 

Japan and Germany New Markets Entry Strategy

International UI/UX Design

Go-To-Market Strategy for Emerging Markets

"Your Challenge Roundtables"

Global-Ready-First Adaptive Strategy

GlobalSaké 2021 grand finale: “Travel Around the World!"

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